Clinical Analysis Laboratory CORE (Greater Lisbon)

Located in Carnaxide since 2020, the Clinical Analysis Laboratory Dr. Joaquim Chaves CORE (Greater Lisbon) stands at the forefront of quality and precision.

Our units can process over 7000 analytical parameters with 400 collection units all over Portugal, either in our own facilities or in partnership with other institutions.

We are especially prepared to respond to laboratory analysis needs, delivering emergency and routine analysis results in less than 24 hours, thanks to an experienced team of professionals, supported by the latest technology, including exclusive equipment and techniques available only at Joaquim Chaves Saúde.

Clinical Analysis Technique in the Laboratory

State-of-the-art technology gives rise to revolutionary discoveries and allows us to expand the frontiers of research and science.

Clinical Analysis Laboratory Room
Clinical Analysis Laboratory Greater Lisbon

Because of its unique modern design and cutting-edge research drive, the Core Laboratory allows three important types of laboratory to coexist in the same space: Clinical, Genetics and Pathological Analysis - areas in which Joaquim Chaves Saúde has received wide praise and recognition.

Our activity is monitored by an internal quality control system and we periodically take part in international external evaluation programs to ensure adherence to the highest protocol requirements.

cobas® 8800 is the world reference for automation in molecular microbiology

A laboratory system designed to automate various processes such as sample preparation, substance extraction, and data analysis, increasing efficiency and reducing margins of error, while providing high quality results.

Discover the technology
cobas® 8800

Immuno-allergology is the medical speciality that prevents and treats diseases that compromise the body's defences and allergic diseases. The Laboratory is an important support, contributing high quality evidence through a large number of specific analyses. Some of these are aimed at innate immunity, others at acquired immunity, and many are targeted at hypersensitivity reactions. For the latter, the Clinical Analyses Laboratory offers a wide range of tests, from the isolated detection of specific IgEs to multiplex tests using microarray technology, which can detect dozens of allergens (ISAC) or even hundreds (ALEX) in a single analysis.

Book your Analyses

Analytical Areas

Find out which analytical areas are available in our Laboratories.

Looking for information about an analysis?

Find out how to prepare and details before scheduling your analysis.

Laboratório de Análises Clínicas CORE (Grande Lisboa)

  • Schedule
    • Weekdays: 07h00 to 19h00
    • Saturday: 07h00 to 13h00
    • Sundays and Public Holidays: Closed
  • Contacts
    214 124 300*
  • Address
    Rua Aníbal Bettencourt, Edifício CORE, nº 3

If you share your location, we can show you the nearest Healthcare Unit and how far it is from you.

Dr. Joaquim Chaves, Laboratório de Análises Clínicas (Análises Clínicas); Nº de registo ERS: E150740; Licença: 00122L/2010; Entidade Emissora: ARS LVT; 1.º averbamento ERS.

Dr. Joaquim Chaves, Laboratório de Análises Clínicas, S.A.; Nº de registo ERS: 13690 de 2006-11-13; NIPC: 500753636; Capital Social: €500.000,00; Sede Social: Rua Aníbal Bettencourt, 3, 2790-225 Carnaxide.