
Ana Palhinha

  • Speciality/Service


  • Key areas of expertise

    Child and Adult Immunoallergology, Respiratory Allergy (Asthma, Rhinosinusitis), Atopic Dermatitis, Food and Drug Allergy

  • Languages

    Portuguese, English

  • Professional Certificate


  • Services

    • Teleconsulta Imunoalergologia

    • Consulta Imunoalergologia

  • Health Units

  • Agreements and Protocols

    • Multicare Seguros de Saúde

    • Advancecare - Cimpor

    • Advancecare - Companhia Seguros Açoreana

  • Activity at Joaquim Chaves Saúde

  • Academic Education

  • Professional Career

- Carcavelos Surgical Clinic.

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