Frequently Asked Questions

Main Questions

We answer the most common questions.

  • How can I obtain a presence statement?

  • How can I obtain an escort statement?

  • Is parking available at JCS clinics?

  • What are the opening hours of the JCS clinics?

  • How can I find out the address of the Sample Collection Unit where I want to go?

  • How can I find out the address of a JCS clinic?

  • Do you have a cafeteria in your Medical Clinics?

  • I want to know more about your privacy policy, data collection and processing.


Clarify your doubts about our agreements and prices.

  • How can I check if JCS has an agreement with my insurance/subsystem for a given specialty and/or service?

  • How much will I pay for the consultation/exam?

  • How can I find out if a doctor has an agreement with my insurer / health subsystem?

  • Is it necessary to bring the insurance or health subsystem card?

Clinical Analysis

Clarify your doubts about Clinical Analysis.

  • How can I schedule a clinical analysis?

  • How are analyses performed, from collection to results?

  • Where can I find JCS Sample Collection Units locations?

  • What are the opening hours of the JCS Collection Stations?

APP | Personal Area

Clarify your doubts about our APP and Personal Area.

  • What is the JCS Personal Area and how to access it?

  • Who can join the Personal Area?

  • How do I register in the Personal Area?

  • What features are available in my Personal Area/App?

  • How can I make an appointment?

  • How can I check my appointments?

  • How can I check-in?

  • How can I reschedule or cancel appointments and/or exams?

  • How can I obtain a presence statement?

  • How can I recover my password?

  • How can I change my Personal Area password?

  • How can I change my personal information?

  • How can I add descendants in my Personal Area?

  • Until what age can I have my descendant associated with my Personal Area?

  • How can I access my descendants' Personal Area?

  • Can I add ascending relatives to my Personal Area?

  • What test results can I access through my APP/Personal Area?

  • How can I consult the results or images of my exams?

  • How can I consult invoices through my Personal Area/APP?

  • How can I obtain a second copy of invoices?

  • How can I pay unpaid invoices through my Personal Area/APP?

  • Do the entities and references available on unpaid invoices have an expiry date?

  • I forgot to make the payment. How can I pay?


Clarify your doubts about Consultations.

  • How can I schedule an appointment?

  • How can I make an appointment for my child?

  • How can I confirm a scheduled appointment?

  • How can I cancel/reschedule an appointment?

  • Will I be reminded in advance of my appointment?

  • How can I self-check in for my appointment?

  • How can I find out which JCS Clinics have a certain specialty / consultation?


Clarify your doubts about Exams.

  • How can I know in which Clinic there is a certain exam?

  • How early should I arrive for my exams?

  • How can I know if the exam requires any specific preparation?

  • Which test results can I access through my APP / Personal Area?

  • How do I know when an exam is ready?

Inpatient | Maternity

Clarify your doubts about Hospitalisation and Maternity.

  • Do you have an inpatient service?

  • Can I receive visitors while I'm hospitalized?

  • Can I have an overnight visit?

  • How does Pediatric Hospitalization work?

  • What can I take with me on the day of my hospitalization?

  • What should I do on the day of the surgery?

  • After surgery, how can I contact my family?

  • How can I get information about a hospitalized person?

  • How does post-surgery work?

  • Do you have maternity services at any of the JCS Clinics?


Clarify your doubts about Doctors.

  • How can I find out if a particular doctor or healthcare professional works at JCS clinics?

  • How can I know if the doctor has an agreement with my insurer / health subsystem?